Nascot Wood
Slot Car Club
18-19 MAY 2019:
This year we tried to be "less busy" than 2018. This resulted in a much easier time for us and saw Mark Long and Alan Wilkinson do well in the Policar GP - a sterling effort from them.
Meanwhile on the evening before the Festival, we were once again visited by our friend Giovanni Montiglio (Thunderslot) and also drivers from a few other clubs wishing to get practice in before the forthcoming NSR Championship Weekend.
Marc Abbot (and Ric Woods) were at the show running the Slot Car Magazine stand with help from Gary Cannell, Martin Dixson, Andy Player (Worthing Club) and Andy Pinchock (IT at SAP).
It was good to see that past friendships forged were still solid and a good "networking" evening meal was attended by Marc, Mark, Giovanni, Jesús Cobo (SRC), Steve Wright (Staffs Slot Car - Distributor), Ric, Andy and Andy.
This has resulted in (potentially) some very exciting events for the future, which we can't go into detail yet, as we are sworn to secrecy.
There might also be some very interesting links between some of the major manufacturers... we wait in anticipation!

Top pic: Giovanni Montiglio (Thunderslot) attending Nascot Wood prior to the UK Slot Car Festival.
Above left: Mark Long and Alan Wilkinson after their final in the Policar GP
Above right: (L to R) Hub Habets (winner of the best circuit many years running), Jesús Cobo (SRC), Ric Woods (Slot Car Magazine), Marc Abbott and Giovanni Montiglio (Thunderslot).
19-20 MAY 2018:
NASCOT WOOD provided a strong presence at this year's Festival, in conjunction with SLOT CAR MAGAZINE and MRE SLOT SUPPLIES.
The weekend started out with a visit to the club by Thunderslot's Giovanni Montiglio, who kindly let us use a batch of Lola T70s for our championship "club car" night.
This produced some of the best, and closest, racing we have seen for a long time.
During the Saturday of the Festival itself, members helped run a large 4-lane Ninco track, using Thunderslot Lola's again, and we were also part of the weekend's "LET'S GO RACING" (we were designated track number 5).
Part of the reason for doing this was not only to make our mark in the biggest Slot Car Festival in the world, BUT, also to test the new lap counting system being worked on by Mark Long.
We were also fortunate to be positioned next to another Let's Go Racing Track, being that of the legendary Hub Habets. This incredible rally track has won awards at two Festival on the trot, and no wonder.
We were also joined by the team of SRC (Slot Racing Company) who travelled from Spain – we seemed to have formed a great bond with this company and they sent us prizes for the recent Calibra Festival.
Our track team consisted of Mark Long, Martin Dixon, Ray Brownson and Neil Thompson. MRE were represented by Gary Cannell and Gill Clarke and Slot Car Magazine by Marc Abbott and Ric Woods. SRC's crew were; Dovile Stonaityte, Jesús Cobo and Marco De Moraes.
In all honesty, we were under-staffed and we hardly had a chance to sit down, but quite a number of people said that we had the best-designed "race track" there.
Other highlights included a meal on Saturday night with SRC and also some free cars for Mark Long, Martin Dixon and Neil Thompson. Slot Car Magazine (Marc Abbott) also organised (at the last minute) some friendly races between reps from the main manufacturers present – Thunderslot, Slot.it, Scalextric, Carrera, and of course SRC.
Next year? We probably won't want to run a another large track, BUT, we are already discussing linking in with the same people once again to help push our club and keep the links strong.
Well done team!

Giovanni Montiglio racing his Lolas at Nascot Wood prior to the 2018 UK Slot Car Festival

Above left - Hub Habets and his award-winning rally track. Above right - The SRC team were also impressed with Hub's layout!

Above - We hosted one of the larger tracks at the Festival. (All pieces supplied by MRE)

Above left and right - Reps from the major brands in a friendly Battle of the Manufacturers, on our track!

Far Left - New friends from SRC (Slot Racing Company): Jesús, Dovile and Marco
Above Left - Saturday night and a good meal with Mark Long, Marc Abbott and Ric Woods and of course the SRC Team.
Left - Slot Car Magazine's Marc Abbott and Ric Woods.
Above - Always good to get a "thumbs up" from Giovanni Montiglio.