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Nascot Wood Rules & Guidelines 2025

Membership: Adult – £10.00, Junior – £5.00 (under 16)
Race fees: Adult – £10.00, Junior – £5.00 (under 16)
Visitors / Non-members: Adult – first week FREE, then £11.00
Junior – First week FREE, then £6.00
Meetings every FRIDAY evening from 18:30hrs



All cars racing this season must be available to buy from the shops on 1st January 2025 or previously (new releases WILL be assessed and approved throughout the year).


Formula 1

Only NSR 86/89 and Scaleauto 90/97 generic cars to be used.

  1. Must use 10T pinion, crown wheel choice is free by any size or brand.

  2. Only F1 BLACK tyres produced by NSR or Scaleauto, minimum 17mm rear, 16mm front. Only NSR and Scaleauto F1 wheels are permitted.

  3. Only the standard motor supplied with the cars may be used. However, motors may be swapped between brands (NSR into a Scaleauto car, Scaleauto into a NSR car).

  4. Maximum overall width 70mm

  5. No modifications to guides or chassis. (Any guide is permitted provided it fits chassis without mods)

  6. Suspension is permitted.

  7. Cars must be decorated, have a driver, and 3 race numbers.

  8. Only standard chassis/pod are permitted.

15 Lap races



Any Sports/GT car from any era, available from the list of authorised Manufacturers.

  1. Motors are limited to 25K max from any of the Authorised Manufacturers.

  2. Cars must have a hard body (plastic, resin, 3D printed) and interior including 3D driver. (Vacuum interior is permitted, but no Lexan bodyshells).

  3. Guides are open, but must fit the chassis without modification.

  4. All parts including 3D printed items (body, chassis, motor pod) must be freely available for all members to buy. Metal chassis are prohibited.

15 lap races


Club Cars

As supplied by the Club - NSR Mercedes, NSR Aston Martin or Jaguars.

15 lap races


GROUP 5 Racer Sideways

Any Group 5 model from the Racers Sideways range. Cars must race as standard, except for:

  1. Change of motor pod is permissible to BLACK zero offset version.

  2. Tyre choice is open (from designated list of manufacturers).

  3. All wheels must remain as fitted originally to the car (No swapping for smaller versions) with wheel inserts fitted.

  4. Standard motors for these cars are the Flat6 yellow 20.5K (SIMN09CH) – this is the only motor eligible for the class.

  5. All gearing / axles / bearings / guides must remain standard (spares are from the exact matching item only) NB: If necessary, axle maybe replace with longer solid steel version to enable wheels to get to maximum width.

  6. No suspension kits allowed.

  7. Axle/Motor pod ride height must not be changed from original standard.

  8. Any kit cars must be fully constructed and painted/decaled/numbered/varnished.

  9. No lightweight interiors.

15 lap races



Any Sports or GT car pre 1976 OR Group C Car. Cars/spares available from, NSR, Thunderslot, Mr Slot Car and FLY ONLY., NSR, Mr Slot Car and FLY cars can upgrade their motors to the NSR 25k Shark Motor Ref: NSR3003 & NSR3043. The only motor to be used in Thunderslot cars is the standard Mach21 21.5K Ref: TSLMTMACH21.

  1. Motors may be positioned in-line or sidewinder. (Gearing and motor position must remain standard in THUNDERSLOT cars, but is open in all other models).

  2. Wheels/tyres are open but must be from the designated list of manufacturers.

  3. Motor pods can be changed to stiffer or softer replacement versions. Suspension kits allowed. Lightweight interiors allowed. Guides are open, but must fit without any modification to the car.

  4. Any kit car or plain body must be painted and numbered.

15 lap races




Only the following cars are allowed in this class:
Porsche 997 / Corvette C6R / Corvette C7R / Audi R8 / ASV (Aston Martin) Vantage / BMW Z4 / Mercedes AMG GT3 / McLaren 720S GT3 (The forthcoming Corvette C8 will be assessed prior to inclusion).

All cars must retain original interior. Rear wing must be fitted for every race. White kits must be fully painted and decaled with sponsorship and 3 racing numbers.

  1. Gears – Pinion: can be either 12, 13, 14 tooth. Crown: NSR, free choice.

  2. Tyres – All NSR Rubber, NSR logo must be identifiable on rear tyres. Can be glued and trued.

  3. Rear axle-wheels: Must be large NSR 5004 or 5003.

  4. Front axle-wheels: May be either large NSR 5003 or small NSR 5001. Spacers can be fitted to stabilize front axle.

  5. Maximum axle/wheel width: Wheels and or tyres must not exceed width of wheel arch at widest point.

  6. Wheel inserts – If fitted, must be fitted to all wheels, or, no inserts in any of the wheels.

  7. Chassis – Black chassis fitted as supplied to be used.

  8. Drop arm – To be kept as originally supplied with model. Drop arm maybe adjusted or fixed using the screw fixing supplied.

  9. Guides – Original fit or any NSR White guide. NSR Guide spacers may be used to set guide depth.

  10. Motors – Part Number 3023. 21400 rpm /350 gr. The current standard fitment motor. Purple Wrapper.

  11. Motor mount – As fitted to original purchase. A small amount of material may be removed from either end of the supplied motor mount to help installation of the motor and avoid stress fracture of the mount.

  12. Suspension – NOT allowed in this class.

  13. NSR Rear axle end stop/axle spacers can fitted.

  14. The use of "metric" brass screws (in motor pod mounts) will be specifically permitted for 2025. Use of suspension springs will continue to be forbidden. 

15 lap races

Sideways (inline) GT

  1. All Racer sideways GT cars are permitted.

  2. Group five cars are not permitted.

  3. Factory fit chassis only. No 3D chassis are allowed.

  4. Removing the triangles from the chassis to fit an inline pod is required.

  5. Factory fit Body only with factory fit crystalwork.

  6. White kits must be painted  and fully constructed.

  7. Optional painted lightweight interior from any endorsed manufacturer comprising a driver with shoulders, arms and head.

  8. The interior must obscure the motor and chassis.

  9. Factory fit motor, Sideways Baby Raptor 17k rpm only.

  10. Black rubber tyres from any endorsed manufacturer

  11. Tyres may be glued and trued.

  12. Wheels, axles, screws, pods, suspension, bearings, guides are open from any endorsed manufacturer.

15 lap races


Separate to main championship Teams and format organised by Jack Foreman. Cars supplied by club.


General Rules and Guidelines:



Only cars, tuning parts and motors from the following manufacturers are permitted:  Ninco, Scalextric, Superslot, SCX, FLY, and Policar, Slotting Plus, Avant Slot, Scaleauto, NSR, Racer Sideways, Thunderslot, Mr Slot Car, Slot Racing Company, Black Arrow, Staffs Slot Cars.

Tuning parts from the stated manufacturers are permitted (unless stated in class rules).

All cars must go to the line DRY. Oil or other fluids must not be dropped on to the track.

Screws must be secured so that they do not drop out onto the track.

Magnets must be removed from cars.

Gluing in of parts is allowed.

Scrutineering of cars and controllers will take place at the discretion of the scrutineer / committee.

Lightweight interiors are allowed in Sports/GT and Classic Sports/GT classes only.

All large can (boxer-type) motors must have paper removed from side nearest track, or at least a hole must be cut in the paper wrapper on the underside, exposing the armature for examination.

Capacitors are NOT permitted to be fitted to any hand controller or it's wiring (unless part of original standard spec) or any car.


Chassis and Body:

No cutting; lowering; bending or reshaping from the standard for any reason.

Lightened interiors that come with the car or are a reasonable representation are permitted, except where stated, Clear Lexan interiors must be painted.

Body or chassis may have lugs / exhaust detail removed to help flex.

All cars must have all screens and interiors in place, including rear or other wings at the beginning of each heat. These items may be missing only as a result of accidental damage during racing or at the committees’ discretion. All kit cars must be painted/decaled to bring them up to weight (except Sports/GT class).

Maximum track: Must not extend beyond the widest part of the wheel arch. Formula 1, see above.

No silicone or urethane/Ortmann tyres at any time! Tyres may be trued and softened, but must be dry when placing on track!

No 3D printed replacement parts, EXCEPT in Sports / GT, BUT limited to the chassis and motor pod.


Bearings & Suspension:

Ball race bearings are allowed only in Sports/GT or Classic Sports classes.

No magnetic suspension kits.

Guides: May be fettled to personal spec; i.e. sanding leading edge. Guides are open, except where stated in class and must fit the chassis/body without modification.

Braid: All braid used must be matted for racing, to prevent strands of wire shorting the track.

Hand Controllers: All hand controllers must be of standard manufacture – i.e. any unmodified hand controller available commercially from any UK supplier. No hand-built controllers or modification of controllers allowed.


Marshalling / Etiquette:

When not racing, you are obliged to marshal a section of track. Please be aware that you are responsible for getting cars on as quickly as possible in the event of a de-slot or crash, so ATTENTION NEEDS TO BE MAINTAINED ON THAT CORNER. Normal procedure is to replace the offending car in an accident LAST. The calling of “straight” is only really necessary on three sections of the track – the main straight and the areas on top of and under the bridge. It is NOT acceptable to call “straight” simply because your car has come off and you feel the marshal is taking too long to replace your car. Drivers should not call “straight” under any circumstances unless they de-slot in the three hard-to-reach sections described, in order to avoid damage to yours and other people’s cars. Obviously, there are some weeks when we don’t have enough marshals – unmanned corners can also be seen as an area where straight can be called. It has been decided that drivers calling “straight” unnecessarily will receive a 5 sec penalty at the end of the race.

When cars finish a race, they should NOT be left in the middle of turn one after they have coasted to a halt. This obstructs cars that are still racing and can cause an unnecessary obstacle for other competing drivers. If you are marshalling turn one, please remove cars that have finished to a safe place off the track. (Drivers – it would make more sense if you made your car stop BEFORE the first corner after your race has finished).

Once you have finished your heat, remain at the drivers’ position until the last driver has also finished.
The following items are banned from trackside and during all races : Food and drink, mobile phones, hands in pockets, cars being repaired/fettled.

When initially placing your car on the track to practice or race, please position it on a straight – NOT on a bend or just after a bend… cars already on the track will be tail-sliding through corners!

When it is your heat, please get to the line as quickly as possible.  If you arrive late, you will only get ONE lap to practice.


It is not acceptable in any circumstances to use foul language when it may be heard by a junior member or visitor.

General banter between adult members is tolerable unless it gives genuine offence: we are a club of almost exclusively adult males and familiar with insults and sarcasm that include swearing, but we should behave responsibly.


Championship Rounds: 

The Championship will be decided on the best 4 rounds from 6. 

No car sharing – If you do, neither driver will score points for the round.

The race controller or marshals on the first bend are responsible for calling "STRAIGHT" in the event of 3 or more cars (or half the field) de-slotting on the first bend of the first lap (Area up to white line). Cars will be replaced and race controller will resume power.

The “Blue Flag” rule applies as in real racing i.e. if you are being lapped you are obliged to let the faster driver through without hindrance.

If a car breaks down during a race/heat, it may NOT be replaced by another car. Attempts by the driver or his allocated mechanic (if possible) can be made to fix the vehicle so that it can continue in that race – The race will not be stopped for repairs to be made.

Points will start at 25, 24, 23, etc.


Any new car issued after 1st January 2025, will not score championship points until the committee has approved it. (Does not include re-paints of existing models).


It is up to the member/visitor to prove that his/her car and equipment are legal.


Please remember, we wish to race under a friendly atmosphere, keeping to the rules will help maintain this.

As a member/visitor, you are obliged to help set up and clear away. There are plenty of jobs to do!

26/01/2025 – (E&OE)

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