Nascot Wood
Slot Car Club
The Nascot Wood Slot Car Club track is 38.809 metres and six-lanes, built using Ninco sections.
This gives a very flat surface and more importantly reliable electrical connections.
The original design was by Marc Abbott and built by chairman, Dave Druce for use at Burnt Oak. However, since moving to Nascot Wood, we have extended the main straight, increasing the total lane length by around a further 15 feet.
Each race can be timed down to a hundreth of a second and individual lap times and records are always shown.
The same computer software is also used for 24 hour endurance races.
Lap times are around the 9 sec mark.
Track Design Software: RailModeller for the Apple Mac
6 lanes
Computer Controlled
38.809 metres
Approx. 9 second lap